UNITED COLORS of BENETTON Luggage -Travel Kits Clearance Stock in China

47315 - UNITED COLORS of BENETTON Luggage -Travel Kits Clearance Stock in China


UNITED COLORS of BENETTON Luggage -Travel Kits Clearance Stock in China

Item number: 47315

BENETTON: Travel Suitcases, Backpacks and Travel Kits Season 2021
Supply Chain: Benetton Luggage Distributor (All papers/licences validated and in hand)
Total Quantity: 12 482 units
* Pack sacks: 2 985 units
*Journey Bum Bag: 2 873
*Wash packs: 2 159
*Soft Luggage 3 piece sets: 2 848 sets
* Hard Luggage 3 piece sets: 1 617 sets
Ideally, a buyer will take either the Packsacks, Bum Bags and Wash packs or the 3 piece sets of luggage or both.
Starting Selling Price: 70% off the official Benetton Retail Price
Prices decrease with large quantities ordered
All High Definition Photos available
Sales Restrictions: Europe
Complete due diligence papers from the Official Benetton Luggage/Travel mDistributor
EXW China
Pictures and packinglist per customer request

Price: 70.00 % from retail

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.