Mixed garment stock in Korea

33737 - Mixed garment stock in Korea
33737 - Mixed garment stock in Korea
33737 - Mixed garment stock in Korea
33737 - Mixed garment stock in Korea
33737 - Mixed garment stock in Korea

Mixed garment stock in Korea

Item number: 33737

Regular offer
Quantity: 2.0 million pcs. per month
Price: 0.65$ pcs.
FOB Korea
Quality A grade
All mixed (no inventory available)
Min order: 300 000 pcs.
Quantity contains container by 40' cont as
1. 100 000 pcs. in cae of all summer (light weight)
2. 75 000 pcs. in case of medium
3. 50 000 pcs. in case of heavy wear mixed

Additional information:

More pictures here.zip More pictures here

Price: 0.65 $

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.