Vinyl gloves medical and nitrile Italy, Europe

39358 - Vinyl gloves medical and nitrile Italy, Europe
39358 - Vinyl gloves medical and nitrile Italy, Europe
39358 - Vinyl gloves medical and nitrile Italy, Europe
39358 - Vinyl gloves medical and nitrile Italy, Europe
39358 - Vinyl gloves medical and nitrile Italy, Europe


Vinyl gloves medical and nitrile Italy, Europe

Item number: 39358

Vinyle Medicale
Total: 30 000 boxes
Price take all: 8.75€ box
EXW Italy

Nitrile Gloves MD
Total: 800 000 boxes
Price take all: 10.25 EUR box
EXW Italy

Price: 8.75 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.